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One million children in need of help


As the Syrian conflict rages on, the number of children to become officially listed as refugees has reached one million.

Statistics released this week reveal that of those million – 740,000 of them are under the age of 11, while another two million children are internally displaced within Syria.

“It is very sad and shameful to have reached a million,” said Mohammed Abu Asaker from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Abu Dhabi office.

“We are talking about the innocence of these children being lost. They are the future and hopes of an entire generation in Syria, and now they are refugees in surrounding countries. These children are a vulnerable group and need special assistance and help.

“We are talking about the worst humanitarian situation in the 21st Century and we need help to continue providing assistance,” Abu Asaker added.

The majority of Syrian refugees are now living in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt, with an increasing number fleeing to North Africa and Europe.

Physical upheaval, stress and trauma experienced by so many children is all part of the human crisis. More than 3,500 children in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq crossed Syria’s borders unaccompanied by their families.

UNHCR and UNICEF and their partners have vaccinated refugees against measles, provided psychological assistance and education and have facilitated supplies of water.

UNHCR registered all one million children, giving them an identity. The agency helps babies born in exile get birth certificates, preventing them from becoming stateless. The UNHCR also ensures that all refugee families and children live in safe shelter.

For more information visit: www.unhcr.org

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