Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

Friday, 07 October 2011

More From Breaktime

Top Three...Mushrif Mall eats

Wendy’s When we saw the sign for American burger joint Wendy’s, w ...
Time to explore

Not enough people these days know about Wilfred Thesiger. He was a dip ...
Furry alarm clock

My family includes two energetic kittens plus two always hungry hamste ...
Top Three...Delightful Dals

Zari Zardozi The menu reads that these dal dip appetisers are one of  ...
Road rage (again)

This week we heard the sad news that yet another young man had been cu ...

Top Three...Mushrif Mall eats


When we saw the sign for American burger joint Wendy’s, we literally squealed with delight. Home of the world’s thickest milkshake – the Frosty – as well as fat, tasty French fries and bizarrely square-shaped hamburger patties, Wendy’s gets this fast food purist’s vote as one of the best outlets on the planet. Ready to get really down and dirty? Try a thick, meaty chilli with a side salad to ease the guilt.


With quick service and fantastic pizzas, pastas and salads, Briccocafé is one of Abu Dhabi Week’s favourites. The spaghetti alla carbonara is fantastic – creamy and decadent – but we particularly love the puttanesca and the insalata Mediterranea, which is chocked full of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, corn, black olives, tuna and boiled eggs.

Tim Hortons

Canadians throughout the capital are dancing a jig – or whatever it is Mounties do when they’re happy – over the impending arrival of North American coffee giant Tim Hortons. Like Starbucks wearing Birkenstocks, Tim Hortons is home to great big grainy bagels, sinful apple doughnuts and of course a cuppa joe that the Cannucks claim is the best in the world.

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