Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

Monday, 17 October 2011

More From Breaktime

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Road rage (again)

This week we heard the sad news that yet another young man had been cut down in his prime in a horrific car crash on the road between Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We are of course talking about 21-year-old Baniyas and UAE attacker Theyab Awana.

This tragic news got us thinking. There is an accident on this stretch of road almost every day, so much so that we’re beginning to become deadened to news of another crash.

Isn’t it time we all stopped and asked ourselves a simple question: is there anywhere we need to get to in such a hurry that it’s worth risking our lives and the lives of other road users? Does it really matter if we’re five minutes late?

Take for example the idiot that was driving behind us this morning on the way to the gym. We were approaching Zayed Sports City from Maqta Bridge where the speed limit is clearly advertised as 80kph. We were (rather naughtily) traveling just a little over at 85kph, having just switched our indicator on to turn in the direction of Zayed Sports City. Next thing we know, the said idiot was right up on our bumper, flashing his lights and honking his horn for us to move aside.

Now, this is fairly normal behaviour on the roads here in Abu Dhabi, but on this occasion we had to ask why he was in such a hurry to get to the red signal and queue of traffic in front of it that was staring us both in the face. If I had pulled over to allow him to pass, he would have still been two cars behind me as I turned into the left-hand lane towards ZSC.

Why must we continue to tolerate such ridiculous behaviour on our roads? Why should these people be allowed to intimidate other drivers with their aggressive and reckless tactics?

OK. Rant over.

Megan Wynes

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