Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae


Saturday, 11 February 2012

More From Lifestyle

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Family Portraits

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Kids say the funniest things

To all the mums, dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents who have sent us photos of their kids this year, thanks! As Abu Dhabi Week says goodbye to another year, we leave you with some cute quotes from kids in the capital. Keep them coming in 2012!

William: Why are all the cars stopped on that bridge?
Daddy: "Because somebody had an accident."
William: "In their pants?!"
William, age three, riding in the car

"I don’t like spicy [spiky] hair – I like flat hair. I need flat cream so my hair will look nice and flat and smell nice and everybody will say 'Wow! Look at that hair!'"
Jacob, age five, getting ready for school

“Mummy, gimme more – I won’t spit water again.”
Ayaan, age 18 months

"I can pick up that tank of milk with just my pinky finger if God helps me."
Denise, age three, at the breakfast table

“L...L...L...leaf! Isha is eating leaf.”
Ayisha (Isha), age two, watching her mother prepare vegetables

“I will become doctor and give injection to mumma and papa.”
Jiya, age five

"I’m going to have muffins with Mummy and doughnuts with Daddy."
Wyatt, age five, when asked about his breakfast plans for the weekend

“Can’t we download muscles from the internet?”
Sachit, age nine, wishing he could look like his favourite sportsman

“Momma, my nose is not working!”
Zubia, age three, when she had a bad cold

“Mummy, I want to have a baby brother – but I still want to keep this one.”
Hannah, age four, patting her one year old sister Eva on the shoulder

“Where are all the jelly beans?!”
Lohana, age three, when told to beware of jellyfish in the sea

“Mama, this moon looks like a banana. I like bananas.”
Mariam, age three

“I can’t speak Arabic – my Arabic is broken.”
Nathan, age four

“Did Egyptians have such tiny brains?”
Jovita, age eight, when she heard how the ancient Egyptian pharaohs' brains were removed from their nose with a hook

“I want to invent a machine that will do all my homework.”
Isaac, age six

“Mummy, the sun is falling down – we have to go home.”
Hayley, age two

Posted by: marium tanveer , Thursday, 22 December 2011
i must say..... nice and cute pics of cute kids.
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