Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae


Saturday, 02 June 2012

More From Breaktime

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Road rules

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Abu Dhabi Police this week. For the first time in months we haven’t had to sit in a traffic jam at the entrance to Salam Street from Maqta Bridge.

Why? Well because the wonderful boys in green have been hidden away on the hard shoulder stopping all the people who think they have the right to skip the traffic queue by driving up the emergency lane.

These are the people that usually cause the traffic jams in the first place as they insist on pushing their way into the front of the queue of traffic, forcing others to break suddenly (usually causing an accident in the process). If they simply waited for a few seconds like everyone else, they would find that the traffic moves a lot quicker, and that people can join the new road smoothly.

We’re sure they would also be pleased to know that if they were involved in an accident, with the emergency lane clear of traffic, the paramedics would be able to reach them a lot faster. In these situations every second counts, and if the ambulance is held up behind some inconsiderate fool trying to skip a traffic jam, lives could be lost.

This morning several cars had been stopped for violating this simple traffic law.

We were pleased to see the police had also positioned themselves to stop anyone caught undertaking cars joining Salam Street, another dangerous driving felony.

Now all we need to do is get the police to stop everyone caught driving with their children not wearing seatbelts and we’ll be happy!

Megan Wynes

Posted by: prajwal menezes, Thursday, 2 June 2011
I like to say that our police force is going a great job, keep up the good work. In addition to what is recommended above ( to catch everyone whose kids are not wering seat belts) some action should also be taken on people who allow or keep their infants and small children in the front seat. Sometimes I do not understand if this is sheer ignorance or lack of knowledge about a disaster in the event of an accident.
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