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UN aims to help Syria with record appeal


The Abu Dhabi-based spokesman for the UN’s refugee agency has appealed to the capital’s residents for help after the global agency announced the largest humanitarian appeal in history.

“We urge people in Abu Dhabi to help us help the Syrians and we need the money now because we are in winter and their bodies are trembling,” said Mohammed Abu Asaker, public information and communications officer for the UNHCR. “In order to provide assistance and support on time we need the general support from the people now.”

The appeal was made to donors on behalf of over 100 organisations including UN agencies and NGOs for a staggering $6.5 billion (AED 24 billion) as those affected face a grim future.

“One year ago today more than 400,000 had registered as refugees. Today there are 2.3 million. As the number continues to grow we have to plan accordingly; this is why we asked for this appeal,” said Asaker.

Projections show that large-scale displacement of Syrians will continue in 2014 both inside the war-torn country and into neighbouring areas with the number of refugees expected to reach 4.1 million. The UN has stressed the importance of offering aid not only to the displaced but also the countries that have taken in refugees so they may continue to offer assistance.

The $6.5 million in funds will be spread out to assist internally displaced people in Syria, refugees outside Syria and host communities in the surrounding area by providing self-education, shelter, food and clean water.

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are among the neighbouring countries that provide Syrian refugees with basic shelter, security and other essential provisions.

High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said: “Massive international solidarity is crucial, not onlyto support suffering Syrians, but also for the countries that have so generously taken in refugees. The Syria crisis is having a dramatic impact on their economies, societies and even on their security.”

The total funds will be used to build new classrooms, provide medical equipment and supplies, offer health services to the local communities and even provide education and school supplies for children.

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