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Students harvest healthy advice from local farmers


Abu Dhabi students had food on the brain, when visiting local farms in the area to learn more about the importance of healthy eating.

The Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) and the Abu Dhabi Farmers’ Services Centre (ADFSC) have partnered together as part of this year’s Eat Right & Get Active campaign.

This year’s theme promotes ‘5 A Day’ – supporting international health guidelines recommending children eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables everyday for good health.

Fourteen schools in the capital visited local vegetable gardens this week to learn more about healthy eating.


“This is a great initiative to support the government’s work to change children’s eating habits,” said ADFSC’s chief executive Chris Hirst. “Educating children from a young age on the importance of a healthy lifestyle will pay dividends later in life.”

ADFSC and HAAD staff also provided training for 20 teachers supplying information about 5 A Day, aiming to have the teachers continue spreading healthy eating and farm production messages, long after the initial visit.

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