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Pedal power for football project

Three Englishmen are to brave the ferocious heat of summer and cycle from Emirates Palace in the capital to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai for charity.

The trio, James Green, Jonathan Knott and Chris Ball, will pedal the 193km on Friday, 30th August to raise funds for a community football project back in the UK.

Unisun Athletic was set up in 2009 at the University of Cumbria in Carlisle, England with the aim of providing youngsters from the local community with an opportunity to play football.

Knott, who is based in Abu Dhabi, said: “Through Unisun, we now run three adult football sides and four junior sides and have had great success on the pitch. Every season we add a new junior side and are looking to create our first team for girls and a disabled side.”

To find out more about the charity bike ride or other fundraising projects contact Knott at [email protected].

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