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Paddles away!


Abu Dhabi’s Capital Dragons (ADCD) boating team is in training for the first dragon boating race of the season, to be held in the capital next month.

The sixth Shangri-La Abu Dhabi Dragon Boating Festival will take place on 11th and 12th October at the Shangri-La, Qaryat Al Beri, and the Capital Dragons are looking for new members ahead of the race.

“Dragon boating is a team water sport that evolved from China over 2,000 years ago,” said Thair Haikal from ADCD. “The sport promotes fitness, friendship and fun.”

ADCD training sessions take place every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 5pm and Friday at 8pm. The first two trial sessions are free. For more information email: [email protected] or visit: www.facebook.com/capitaldragons

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