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National Day: The word on the street

Before the National Day celebrations get underway, Abu Dhabi Week went out and about in the capital to find out how residents were preparing to celebrate the UAE’s 42nd birthday, and their plans and expectations for a great day of celebration.

Tom Caskie (aged 9), with his brother Rory 9 (left, aged 8)
“Our school, the British School Al Khubairat is great on National Day. The entrance is decorated with balloons in the colour of the UAE flag and lots of fun activities happen to celebrate. This year we are back home in Scotland, but we are very happy it’s the 42nd year!”

Mohammed and Hazza
Mohammed (21 years old): “We dance, we celebrate and of course decorate our cars! There will be lots of silly string so watch out!”
Hazza (20 years old): “It’s really important for the both of us. It’s when everyone comes together to become one, to become united.”

Team Capoeira Arte Brasil
“It’s great for new people of the city and the younger generation to know all about this historic date. And for us, it’s like a big birthday party! Here at Capoeira, we are like a family, and even though we are from different countries, this sport has brought us all together. And this is thanks to the UAE. Happy National Day from Team Capoeira Arte Brasil!”

Nitin Mittal and family
“National Day is a blessing. Everyone is happy and enjoying this time. There are so many sounds and noises and we, as a family, like to come down to the Corniche with the thousands of people. The most beautiful part is the decorations and we love to wave our flags while enjoying the fireworks show!”

Zhang and family
“We’ve been here for four years now so we have enjoyed many before. We will make our way to the Corniche beach, by foot, and watch the fireworks. We hope for lots of air shows and think this year will be better than ever.”

“Abu Dhabi really is a fantastic city and I believe every country should celebrate like they do here in the UAE. I would also like to thank the rulers of Abu Dhabi for welcoming me here and giving me this opportunity in life to live and work here. So, thank you Abu Dhabi and I wish you another 42 years of happiness!”

Mohammad Monir
(23 years old)
“This is my fourth year here and I live here on my own, so I like to go to the Corniche beach to see all the excited people and it really makes me feel proud to be part of the UAE party. It’s just so great to see thousands of people, in one place, all so happy.”

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