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Into the wild


The largest ever single release of the endangered Houbara bustard took place recently, thanks to a UAE-backed conservation organisation.

As part of an initiative from the President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) released 2,000 captive-bred Asian Houbaras into the wild in Kazakhstan.

The birds were taken to three release sites within designated protected zones in South (Kyzyl-Kum), Central (Betpak-Dala) and West (Mangystan) Kazakhstan. While all of the Houbara were tagged with identification rings, 93 of the birds were fitted with GPS satellite tracking devices, with an additional 20 females fitted with VHF transmitters. Data received from the devices will provide vital information about migration and survival.

“This is a very significant day in the history of Houbara conservation,” said Mohamed Saleh Al Baidani, director-general of IFHC. “Previously we have only carried out small-scale experimental releases in Kazakhstan in order to learn more about the migration and habits of the Houbara, but a release on this scale takes our efforts onto a completely new level.”

In addition to the historic release, the IFHC also hosted local schoolchildren at their facilities recently, as part of a special educational initiative.

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day, which was held on 10th and 11th May, the IFHC educated students in the capital about the importance of conservation. Thirty grade six girls from Al Asayel School visited the organisation’s research centre to learn more about the birds while also getting a chance to test out the fund’s new Mighty Migration App, which illustrates the perilous journey undertaken by the Houbara every year.

“As the world’s leading authority on the species, we have a duty and a responsibility to secure a long-term future for the Houbara, so it is vital that our children are fully informed of the species’ significance to enable them to continue our conservation work and ensure our heritage is preserved,” added Al Baidani.

The app is free to download from the iTunes store. For more information visit: www.houbarafund.org

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