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‘Inspired’ gift for slum kids

2013-08-05 EID Sweets & Gifts (25)

EVERY SINGLE student at The Choice to Change schools in Bangladesh received an Eid gift courtesy of two generous Abu Dhabi residents, who were inspired to act after reading about the foundation in Abu Dhabi Week.

Tatyana Hamid, who lives and works in the capital, read our exlusive report on the slums of Dhaka, with its impoverished living conditions and its lack of access to basic education, and decided to support The Choice to Change (C2C) and the amazing work they are doing to change lives for the better.

Hamid and a friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, decided to mark the occasion of Eid al-Fitr by donating sweets and gifts, which were distributed among all 128 C2C’s students on Monday 5th August.

“I first learned about C2C from reading about them in Abu Dhabi Week and have been following their work since,” said Hamid.

“Working with this organisation gives me the chance to contribute to a better life for these kids.

“I lost my father at the age of three and my grandparents played a big role in my childhood. My grandfather taught me that everyone should have access to basic food and education – only then can we build a safer world,” Hamid added.

“Our organisation is all about reaching out and touching people’s hearts,” said Abu Dhabi-based C2C managing director Mark Azzam.

“We aim to provide any individual with a safe and reliable connection to the underprivileged children we work with. Tatyana and her friend’s most generous gifts went a long way to surprise our students while they are celebrating this most special time of the year.

“Eid Mubarak from the C2C team!” Azzam added.

For further information, visit: www.thechoicetochange.org

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