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Getting to grips with The Miz


With WWE Live slamming down in the capital next month, Abu Dhabi Week sat down with the ‘awesome’, The Miz, to find out more about the upcoming event.

So this isn’t your first time in the city? What have you seen here before?

I’ve been everywhere! I went to Ferrari World and went on the fastest rollercoaster, I went to the race track which is just incredible and I’ve played at Yas Links Golf Club; I lost 12 golf balls which isn’t the highlight of my experience! But every time I’m here I always feel so welcome.

The upcoming event, what can the capital’s WWE fans expect?

I say this all the time but it really is true – expect the unexpected. I don’t know what to expect. We don’t know how the audience will react but it will be different every show. You are going to see WWE Champion Randy Orton, the world’s largest athlete The Big Show, you’re going to get to witness these superstars live. You get to boo the ones you hate and cheer the ones you love. It really feels like a rock concert out there.

You’ve acted in the movie Marine 3. How does film differ to WWE?

WWE is live. It’s one take. And if I mess up, 10k people in the audience are going to know it and start to shout ‘you messed up’. In a film there are lots of takes. The movies are a blast! I get to play with guns, do fight scenes. If I get offered another movie? Yeah, I might do it! But I really enjoy doing WWE.

You also visited two hospitals over the summer, what was this for and do you have anything else like this coming up?

The Be a Star event is coming up very soon where I will be going in to schools to speak to kids about our anti-bullying campaign. It’s not just physical and verbal, there is now cyber bullying. So we are just trying to get those people who are being bullied to not stay quiet. Just tell someone. With the hospital visits, this was through Make a Wish foundation. Every show we go to there is a child who’s wish is to meet a WWE superstar. That is such a huge honour to all of us.


Quick fire round!

Pizza or Pasta?


Who would you rather fight, JohnCena or Seamus? John Cena

Jay Z or Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tables Ladders and Chairs match or No Holds Barred match?

Tables Ladders Chairs

Camel or Falcon?


If you could fight anyone, past or present, who would it be?

I would clone myself and fight me!

For ticket information visit: www.thinkflash.ae

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