Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

E Class Europcar

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

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The circus comes to town

Roll up, roll up! This is a circus with a difference. We spoke to artistic director Phillip Gandey about his role at the Chinese State Circus and what audiences can expect from this historical yet innovative show




What does your role involve?

My role is that of artistic director, I create the original theme for the show, in this case Yin Yang. I, along with the choreographer, musical composer and costume designer fly to China and spend two weeks auditioning the best acrobats, musicians, martial arts experts and dancers. We then spend a further four weeks rehearsing in China, then two more weeks in the UK fine tuning the show before we open in the first theatre of the tour. The sets along with all the production is designed and made in the UK where the production team is headed up by our producer Carol Gandey.



What’s the theme of the show?

The theme of the current Chinese State Circus production is Yin Yang. This symbolises the synergy between strong and gentle, night and day, opposites without which our daily lives could not exist. It represents a world in harmony with its opposing and interacting forces of nature.  This typifies the artistic abilities which top performers need to display to take part in this exciting and dynamic production.  So although there is no direct reference or narrative involved, it’s an asset which enables the show to be appreciated by world audiences. It pulses and flows with the spirit of Yin Yang throughout.



What can audiences expect to see?

A vibrant, fast moving, all-human circus of top international standard. The Chinese State Circus differs from other circuses because its performers are trained from the age of seven in a multitude of circus skills. In a standard circus, artistes may be able to perform in one or two acts, so this results in only a few of them performing at any time.  The Chinese State Circus excels in group performances of the highest standard.


We have kept some traditional acts like plate spinning and the traditional Good Luck Lion Dance where the performers appear as larger-than-life lions.


However, this show also features new acts never seen outside China such as seven girls juggling drums on their feet and throwing them to each other, they then go on to do this with fellow performers! The show races through act after act from the energetic somersaulting through 5m high hoops to the delicate manipulation of parasols accompanied by live authentic Chinese music. Comedy appears by the way of the Monkey King from Chinese folklore who’s audience participation brings tears of laughter from audiences worldwide.   Ten girls perform on a single bicycle, seven boys juggle straw hats in a whirlwind of dexterity, the ultimate Shaolin warrior known only as The One will have you on the edge of your seat when he breaks steel and bricks on his bare head. Live music, live action and spectacular costumes in an incomparable performance.



Tell us about the history of the circus.


Chinese acrobatics trace its history back over 2,000 years when strolling acrobats performed in market places using every day items like pots and plates, which live on in today’s show. The Chinese authorities see acrobatics as an art form in the same way the west sees theatres and opera. Not only as an entertainment but a healthy lifestyle for young minds and bodies, every city has its very own acrobatic troupe of up to 400 members. The Chinese State Circus was formed as recognition to these artistes and to present those performers at the peak of their profession. It is a much sought after honour to be chosen to participate in The Chinese State Circus.



How many performers are part of the show?


There are 32 performers in the show made up of acrobats, musicians, dancers and exponents of martial arts.



Is this your first visit to the UAE? Will you have time to see any of the sights while you’re here? Any places you’d like to visit?


I have visited the UAE on many occasions over the last few years, bringing stunt shows, circus, ballet, The Spirit of the Horse show, cabaret and many corporate shows to the region. However, this is the first time I have brought one of our productions to Abu Dhabi. Unfortunately this will only be a very short visit for me as I am arriving with the show on 30th September, and due to other commitments fly out after the opening on the 4th October, but I’m really looking forward to visiting the F1 circuit.


Working on a show of this magnitude must be very demanding! How much practicing and rehearsing is there in the lead up to a tour?


I have detailed the creative process and rehearsals earlier. However, many of the artists have been practising their art for ten years before they even consider becoming performers.



Any final comments?

On behalf of myself, Gandey World Class Productions and the Chinese State Circus, I would like to say a big thank you for being given this opportunity to present the world’s most spectacular acrobatic circus in Abu Dhabi. I hope that those in attendance will take away memories of an exciting show from some of the best circus performers in the world today.

The Chinese State Circus will run from 4th to 6th October. For more information and ticket prices please visit: www.adnec.ae

Sarah Widdup

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