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16 Oct 09 Social Media Best Practices - Free Download
With pretty much everyone you know belonging to one social network or another it’s quite clear to see that businesses have an excellent opportunity to connect with and talk to prospective customers, existing customers and other stakeholders using social media platforms to build advocacy and brand awareness within their market. There are a number of pointers that any budding social media marketer should be aware of before embarking on the journey ahead. One of the problems with social media is that it is incredibly unforgiving of mistakes and business faux pas that you’re marketing team may make. To help you navigate these new mass media platforms we have pulled together this quick overview of the main social media platforms that we suggest our clients use. The paper serves as a quick overview of each platform and allows you to benefit from our experience in implementing social media campaigns for corporate enterprises. We have also sourced and consolidated information from the many contributors to numerous blogs, white papers and journals that are available on this subject. The information contained within should by no means be taken as a prescription for success; consider it some general pointers to help you on your way. Generally the information in this paper should be of use to Chief Marketing Officers wishing to get an overview of the social media platforms that are best for their business. It is also not an exhaustive list, the number of social media platforms available to CMO’s is growing at an exponential rate and there may be specialist platforms based around niche vertical markets that are particularly relevant to your industry. We will try to release these papers for other social media platforms as they gain market share and become more relevant. In this paper, we have focused on the main six platforms (You Tube, My Space, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Slide Share) that are prevalent in the EMEA and US markets. These platforms are mass media channels that are all easy to use for marketing managers to start communicating with their target markets. Our summary information contains an overview of the platform features and functions, how to use it, potential pitfalls to avoid and the markets that you will be talking to with each platform. If you need any more information on any of these social media platforms that we may be able to help you with please feel free to Twitter us ( ( DOWNLOAD BY PRESSING THE IMAGE (downloads/white-papers/social-media-best-practices-for-marketing/download.html)
15 Oct 09 GITEX-Show-2009
This looks really cool - I have just lifted the content from Dubai Lime but I am down to GITEX 2009 for a peak preview at the Panasonic stand to see the words First Full HD 3D Plasma Theater From the Panasonic Gitex Site To see it is to believe it! You can see the product at the GITEX stand simply visit ( or follow the updates on You Tube Twitter or Facebook. Seeing really is believing, he high-resolution 3D previously experienced only at amusement parks and movie theaters is soon to be an in-home reality, with a direct-view plasma display. This isn't standard 3D. Panasonic's first Full HD 3D technology is a combination of exciting core technologies pioneered at Panasonic, evolving 3D to a TRU-DTMExperience: Scenes pop. Action comes to life. The system comprises a 103-inch plasma TV and Blu-ray DiscTM player that plays back both left and right sided 1080p full HD images. Full HD processing occurs on both left and right 3D image in every single process - from recording, playback and display. With a special pair of glasses, the viewer experiences 3D images with twice the volume of information as regular full HD image GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK 2009 delivers the ultimate platform for the international ICT industry to meet and conduct business. Internationally recognised as one of the world's largest ICT exhibitions, GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK enters it's 29th year and has grown to be more than an exhibition. The event has evolved to become a gateway to the Middle East market providing a multitude of opportunities to meet and contract new business, a time to exchange industry ideas, a chance to meet with new and existing suppliers or manufacturers as well as an opportunity to keep abreast of everything that's new via our comprehensive educational programme. Industry Specific Sectors Opening Hours 18 October 2009 1pm - 7pm 19 - 21 October 2009 10am - 7pm 22 October 2009 10am - 5p Presenting the region's fastest growing sectors - IT business solutions, telecommunications and consumer electronics, GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK extends its profile for 2009 incorporating the region's premier banking and finance ICT event, MEFX. These targeted sectors ensure that leading suppliers and buyers alike have access to meet and discuss with industry heads and leading businesses under one roof according to their sector interests. Serving the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, each sector will have a dedicated area within the wider framework of GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK 2009:
9 Sep 09 Social Media Marketing Middle East
December 6th to December the 9th 2009 Social Media Marketing Middle East You know what it is but do you know how to use it effectively to market your product and increase ROI? Social Media is your new best friend in today's climate of global economic downturn given the pressure we are all feeling of trying to do more with less . The Middle East may be a little slower in adopting new marketing techniques but don't be fooled into thinking that your competitors aren't using social media to promote their brand and grow their market share, THEY ARE! It may seem a little daunting but don't worry you're not the only one to feel a little overwhelmed by this latest innovation nevertheless you can't afford to ignore this and be left behind. More details on this event ( Join the region's most forward thinking Marketing Managers in December to learn how to incorporate social media marketing into your campaigns. Through practical examples and case studies detailing successful campaigns and their results, you'll leave with the tools you need to use social media marketing to grow your own business. Book your place right now! (
11 Aug 09 Social Media for Coaching
Social media has become the current buzz phrase of the information age. But what is it and how does it work? And how can it help you grow your business? Social media is user-generated content created online using various new technologies which allow people to produce, share and read information. Individuals are now publishers as well as readers thus changing the information and communication paradigm. Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, podcasts, twitter, Wikis and YouTube are now a particularly popular way of communicating for some demographics. One of the benefits of such technologies is that it allows individuals to potentially communicate and interact simultaneously with a myriad of people worldwide; at low costs and with increased efficiency. For businesses, this can be considered a revolution into an untapped business market.
1 Aug 09 Social Media – Dealing with Negative Feedback
I am asked this a lot during our presentations in Dubai and elsewhere – How do we deal with negative feedback online – What if we get negative feedback on our blog? What do we do if people talk bad about our company online The answer is wake up and smell the coffee – if people are talking about you negatively online then you can be as sure as [whoops!] that its happening offline to. So take the opportunity, welcome the world of dealing with negative and bad feedback about your company. Follow these simple rules and you will be good to go Welcome It Firstly the fact that someone cares enough to tell you that your event, company, products, staff or anything else is terrible is someone that cares. Thank them for their feedback, if you don’t they will think you simply don’t care about them – that’s not good. Avoid Emotional Knee [whoops!] Reactions Of course, it can be hard to train ourselves not to immediately attack or defend against negative feedback but the reality is that a Knee [whoops!] reaction of attack will show your true colors, it will show you to be an emotional non listening aggressor – this isn’t where you want to be. .
31 Jul 09 TED Dubai - TED X
TED-X Dubai In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx, basically it’s a localized TED with business leaders, forward thinkers and good speakers invited to present themselves on TED-X Dubai. There seem to be a lot of people in Dubai that think that this is going to put them on – it isn’t, but it is a great local forum for sharing of your information and new and exciting ideas.
31 Jul 09 Mattress Dominoes
Mattress Dominoes - World Record Attempt A great example of Viral Video Marketing using Mattress Dominoes Major props go to Bensons for Beds their agency Wand for pulling off an amazing viral marketing campaign which for just a few thousand pounds (guestimate) must have delivered amazing results having been featured on BBC world wide and MBC and other major US networks. It really is a fantastic example of how a good idea well executed with some seeding and links to some major news agency journalists can really deliver amazing value for money – with millions of views on You Tube and [whoops!] knows how many on major news networks I would be very interested to understand exactly how Bensons for Beds benefited from the campaign – certainly the back of their truck door was very well placed explaining that they had the best prices in the UK. Without further ado here is the video!
31 Jul 09 Social Media Forum
Why Social Media Forum? Click here for the full details on the Middle East Social Media Forum ( Understand how to connect and engage with social networks Discover the full range of social media opportunities Practical guide to getting started with blogs, Twitter and communities Build a successful and integrated PR strategy using social media channels Manage a crisis online and protect your brand
31 Jul 09 MEPRA Abu Dhabi
Social Media workshop (
31 Jul 09 The Social Media Forum - Middle East
I am really looking forward to the social media forum this year, its going to be one of the first social media events to focus on Social Media and not “online” as a whole which is refreshing. The speaker role is also very impressive, as the market moves forward to embrace a lot more social media applications and with the market hotting up as a whole I think it is pretty much and essential agenda item for any head of marketing in the region? Why – well Social Media is akin to a revolution in the media industry – Social Media will be the biggest change in the media industry since the invention of the printing press – Not my words – Rupert Murdoch came out with that nugget of information just a while ago. In terms of who is going and what’s on the agenda you can check the website here ( Most importantly this is the first event I have seen where the event organiser has actually embraced the core concepts of social media by focusing on listing to the event attendees. The core element of this is that the social media advisory team taken from customers and industry experts will be involved in the creation of the event. The purpose of the Social Media Advisory Team is to provide independent wisdom and insight to ensure the forum addresses key topics relevant to the regional social media scene. If you want to be part of that team you can apply on the website. Check out the speaker list – we will be chairing the event this year so we hope to meet you there ! Why Social Media Forum? Understand how to connect and engage with social networks Discover the full range of social media opportunities Practical guide to getting started with blogs, Twitter and communities Build a successful and integrated PR strategy using social media channels Manage a crisis online and protect your brand


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