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Crackdown on street beggars

crackdownonAbu Dhabi Police has launched a new initiative in a bid to cut down on begging across the streets of the capital during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Police said their prevalence noticeably increases before and during Ramadan and other religious holidays.

Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Director General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police, said officers have intensified their campaigns to crackdown on beggars and take legal action against them.

He also warned the public against the risks of interacting with beggars and sympathising with them, saying it can often be an introduction to commit other crimes such as robberies.

He also warned the public against diseases that could be transmitted by them, and the harm they could cause by being spread to family and community members.

The ‘No to Begging’ initiative is running in conjunction with other campaigns currently being undertaken by police and security entities within the country to curtail the practice in the city.

People eager to give money to charity during Ramadan are urged to do so through the appropriate channels.

Major General Al Menhali said: “The concerned police entities, as well as their headquarters and departments are exerting great efforts to combat this scourge, and address it through inspection and awareness campaigns to eradicate this issue; begging is uncivilised and leaves a bad impression on the community. It also endangers community members as some beggars commit robberies under the guise of begging.”

Police urged the public to cooperate with their campaign by reporting any incidents. Individuals can police on 999 to report beggars.

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