Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

Thursday, 01 November 2012

Tufail wins 2011 Abu Dhabi Ladies Open

The 2011 Ladies Open at Abu Dhabi Golf Club was contested with 27 participants competing on the famous National Course as the single day event proved to be full of action with low scores despite the testing weather conditions


With a gross score of 73, Sana Tufail prevailed as the winner of the 2011 Ladies Open Championship. It was a satisfactory victory for Sana, who narrowly lost the 2010 Open after losing in a play-off to Sue Henderson. Vice-Captain Muriel Gosselin finished second in the gross category after a respectable score of 82.

In the net silver division, Emirates Golf Club member Kavita Sehmi had a fantastic score of 70 to take victory from Sandra Grenet (EGF) who had an excellent score of 71 to take second place.

The net bronze division was captured by Debbie Betts of Abu Dhabi Golf Club with a great score of 35 points. Debbie finished two points clear Marcia Massengill also of Abu Dhabi Golf Club who came second with a respectable score of 33 points.

What others are saying (1)Add Comment
written by Mona Mohammed , Tuesday, 22 November 2011
I love the UAE and the Emirates is proud of her rulers

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