Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

Thursday, 01 November 2012

The Uninvited

havenofearOur cinema screens are being blessed with yet another American horror, this time an adaptation of the 2003 South Korean film The Tale of Two Sisters.
After the sudden death of her mother, Anna (Browning) is released from a ten-month stint in a psychiatric ward. She’s thrilled to be reunited with her best friend and sister, Alex (Kebbel); but the family reunion is spoilt when Anna is introduced to her dad’s new fiancée – her mum’s former nurse, Rachel (Banks).
Anna begins to suspect that her mother’s death wasn’t accidental, and that Rachel may have been involved. With the help of her sister, she begins to unravel the string of events surrounding her mother’s death and try and find out if Rachel is who she says she really is.
With a slightly jumpy, muddling plot, The Uninvited would have perhaps been better renamed The Confusing. Nonetheless, the twists in the tale will have you furrowing your brow as you search for the answers, and the end is sharp and unexpected.
With much less gore than your average American horror, The Uninvited instead focuses on capturing and testing the mind – and will no doubt have thriller fans queuing up to see if they can be the first to decipher the plot.


The Uninvited

Dir Charles and Thomas Guard, Starring Emily Browning, Elizabeth Banks, Arielle Kebbel

[Originally published in Abu Dhabi Week vol 2 issue 14]

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