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Class act from piece worker


A resident in Abu Dhabi is slowly helping piece together support for charity. Sue Peterson, a British expat who has lived in the UAE for 14 years, runs weekly mosaic art classes from her home in Khalidiya and has pledged the proceeds from these popular classes to be donated to the Shamida Orphanage & Children’s Home (SOACH).

The SOACH charity, which was founded by UAE resident Karen Kendall and Ethiopian resident Leeanne Reeves, aims to provide a safe home to orphans in Ethiopia. UNICEF reports that a staggering 5.5 million orphans live in Ethiopia, who are in desperate need of care. The largest population of orphans in Africa, the founders are expecting to open up the orphanage by March of this year.

Speaking about the inspiration behind SOACH, Kendall said: “I adopted my daughter from Ethiopia and I’m lucky enough to live in a country that enables me to do that – it wouldn’t have been possible in Australia. The experience left me with an overwhelming need to help the children that I left behind.”

The art classes, which are hosted on Mondays, will donate their proceeds to the charity. “I enjoy the fact that people are willing to pay for a service I provide but making money isn’t what motivates me to do it. Giving my workshop profit to a charity will keep me motivated,” added Peterson.

For more information about what goes on at the art classes visit: makingmosaics.blogspot.com

To find out more about how you can help SOACH email: [email protected]

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