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Chilling message for port workers from government


The Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) has announced its measures to protect workers from heat-related illnesses over the summer months.

The ADPC is implementing the UAE Ministry of Labour’s Beat the Heat message in their ports, in addition to launching their own communications campaign to raise awareness among ADPC and Abu Dhabi Terminal employees – including warehouse owners, property tenants, project contractors and truck drivers.

The Ministry of Labour aims to raise awareness about and help prevent, heat-related illnesses among labourers during the summer. In response to that, the ADPC’s communication campaign highlights the importance of diet, sleep and adequate hydration for employees during the hottest months of the year. It is also intended to help workers recognise the signs of heat-related illness in their colleagues as early as possible and take appropriate action.

Recommendations outlined in the communication plan include drinking water before starting work, consuming at least two litres of water every two to three hours, checking urine colour for signs of dehydration (a pale colour is healthier), taking regular breaks, adding a little extra salt on meals, getting plenty of sleep at night and always informing a supervisor if feeling unwell.

“We all recognise that regional summer temperatures can reach very high levels and this clearly makes it a challenging work environment for those working outdoors for prolonged periods,” said Sultan Al Jaberi vice president of Regulations and Health, Safety and Environment ADPC.

“ADPC supports the UAE government and the Ministry of Labour’s message. Ensuring the health and safety of those in our ports is of paramount importance in all that we do; therefore, ADPC wholeheartedly backs the government’s efforts and is gladly promoting such activities.”

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