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Abu Dhabi Ocean Racers crest a major milestone


ABU DHABI’s chances of glory in the prestigious Volvo Ocean Race got a huge boost this week after the team got to wave hello to its brand spanking new racing vessel.

The Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing (ADOR) team got its first glimpse of the gleaming new 65-foot yacht as it emerged from the Green Marine production facility near Southampton, England.

Dubbed Azzam, which means ‘determination’, the vessel delighted onlooking skipper Ian Walker and seven of his eight crew members.

“When you’re preparing to take on the Volvo Ocean Race there are plenty of milestones along the way,” said Walker. “Azzam coming out of the shed is, of course, a very significant milestone. Now the mast is stepped she finally feels like she’s ours. I can’t wait to get her on the water and sailing.”

Azzam’s new yellow, silver and red design took specialist painters more than 1,900 man-hours to spray.

“The design is very complex with lots of subtle colour shading involved. I think the painters have done an amazing job to bring the whole thing to life. Just wait until you see the full effect when the sails are up,” said the proud skipper.

Walker and his international, hand-picked team of sailors begin their 39,000-mile race around the world in Alicante, Spain on 4th October.

In the run-up to the big day, Azzam will undergo several days of shore-based tests before being transported to Southampton’s docks for launching. An official naming ceremony is also on the agenda for this summer.

Upon completion of further tests, Azzam will be taken for her first offshore voyage on 11th March for pre-race training in Cascais, Portugal.

To stay up to date with the ADOR team, visit: www.facebook.com/AbuDhabiOceanRacing

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