Thursday, 01 April 2010 08:25    PDF Print E-mail
Geographic presumption
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“Malbari?” That’s the first reaction I usually get when I say I am an Indian; and when I answer in the affirmative I usually get an “ah, obviously” look – as if no other type of Indians exists.

Not that it upsets me. I am from Kerala, after all. There are times when I feel like am at home here, too, considering that sometimes there seems to be more Malayalees here than on the other side of the Indian Ocean. It just makes me wonder about the assumptions we make about people. Despite living in a city that’s supposed to be multicultural, and which very obviously does have a real mixture on the streets, we can be very presumptive about people and their origins.

thinkingallowedFor example, many have this notion that all people who look “Asian” are from the Philippines. It must have something to do with the service industry, which does indeed seem to be staffed largely with Filipinos. Initially I believed it too – that is why I was surprised when I met a guy who looked Asian and told me he was from China.

Another stereotype I come across here is the view that all Arabic speakers must be locals. I’m certain that even some Arabs themselves believe it, which is why I get angry when I see someone demanding special attention just because they can shout in Arabic, whether or not they are local. I have to admit though, Arabic is one of those rare languages that can be both beautiful to hear while being intimidating at the same time.

Another one we have in our heads is that all English-speaking ex pats are either British or American. That’s what first comes to our mind every time we come across a ‘foreigner’. But it does make sense the more you think about it. But the butts of all stereotypes are definitely Pakistanis. Many people seem to believe it a fact of life that all Pakistanis are cab drivers, and that most cab drivers are Pakistani. Come on, be honest: how many times have you got into a cab and just assumed the driver is from Pakistan?

So the next time somebody asks me where I'm from, I might as well say Kerala. I’ll still get that “ah, obviously” look; but it’s something you just learn to live with rather than fight.

Alif Majeed
Hits: 57
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Geographic presumption
written by Pearl, April 06, 2010
So true.

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