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Thinking outside the suggestion box




Turning to patients to shape the future of the capital’s hospitals, Abu Dhabi Health Services (SEHA) is rolling out its ‘Masoul’ initative once again.

‘Masoul’, which means ‘be responsible’, marks SEHA’s efforts to take patients’ suggestions out of the box and into their hands. Decision makers and officials will meet with former hospital patients to allow them to directly communicate their opinions on the hospital’s services, views on medical care and the facility’s overall performances.

“Our strategy is focused on the customer; to meet his needs and provide superior service,” said Dr Abdul Rahman Mohamed Al Aulaqi, Group Medical Operations Director. “SEHA is keen to enhance communication with its customers to understand their views and suggestions. We’d like to find out about the negatives and address them, and learn about the positives to be able to strengthen and develop them.”

Last year’s initiative saw over 800 individuals provide essential feedback that was used to implement changes from increasing the number of medical personnel and improving dialysis services, to addressing the lengthy waiting time in emergency wards and providing additional parking bays and valet services.

As a result of the initiative, many hospitals received a variety of modern equipment to cater to specific health needs, while many translators were placed in external clinics in order to overcome communication barriers.

The latest ‘Masoul’ session began on 18th March with a second edition, which will focus on special needs cases, scheduled for 25th March.

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