Maximise your mornings


Seven ways to improve your day before you get out of bed

Mornings are tough. Leaving the comfort of your super-cosy duvet is a challenge when you’ve got a long day at the office ahead of you.

For most of us, we’re lucky if we can squeeze in breakfast before rushing out the door, let alone exercise, coordinate our outfit and complete our daily chores. If you’ve dreamt of becoming a productive morning person, what better time to make a change than the start of a New Year?

Ease yourself in with our seven ways to improve your day before getting out of bed.

Get the right amount of sleep

We’re advised to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to function effectively the next day. Skimp on sleep and your health is the first to feel it.

Lack of sleep can lead to serious health complications such as decreased concentration, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety and depression.

Sleep deprivation can hinder your morning routine from the off, so do all you can to get the sleep you need. Try listing your worries before bedtime, avoid caffeine and sleep in a cool, dark environment.

Wake up with the sun

No matter how much we’re advised to keep smartphones away from the bedroom, they’re always our alarm clock of choice. But did you know that the blue light projected from the screen alone could harm your sleep? It inhibits the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin leaving us tossing and turning for hours.

Instead, invest in a ‘dawn simulator’, available on Amazon, which emulates a natural sunrise. The simulator uses a light that gradually gets brighter and mimics your body’s natural sleep cycle, which is said to help improve your mood, wellbeing and alertness.

Turn up the tunes

While early morning silence can be bliss, studies suggest that waking up to your favourite band could make your morning even sweeter. A study published by Nature Neuroscience suggests that listening to the music you love can “rouse feelings of euphoria and craving, similar to tangible rewards that involve the striatal dopaminergic system”.

In other words, listening to songs that you have a positive emotional connection to floods the body with the pleasure-inducing hormone dopamine. Much like eating super-tasty foods, waking up to music you love will help you start the day on a positive note.

Sip some h2o

A full evening without water can result in a very dehydrated and grumpy you. Keep a fresh bottle of water by your bed, ready to drink as soon as you open your eyes.

Rise and shine in an amazing mood by downing at least a pint of water first thing – the colder the better! Madelyn Fernstrom of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center believes that drinking chilled water is better for the metabolism, and helps you burn calories even before jumping out of bed.

Stretch and flex

If a morning workout seems like too much too early, keep it simple with a stretch or two. Much like practising yoga, early morning stretches ease tension, increase blood flow and relax the mind.

Try a simple side stretch. Reach your arms above your head, bring your hands together at the top and slowly lean side to side.

Another good stretch to try is a standing forward bend. Stand with your legs hip distance apart, your knees slightly bent. Grab your elbows and hinge forward at the hips, letting your upper body hang over your legs. Hold for two to three deep breaths while you gently shake and nod your head in a yes and no movement.

Just breathe

There’s no doubt about it, mornings can be incredibly stressful. But before racing into the day guns blazing, take a minute and breathe. The practice of effective breathing is said to open the body and mind to increased oxidation and relieve tension in an instant.

Have breakfast


It’s true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skip it, and it could cost you a productive morning. Breakfasts are intended to refuel your body with the nutrients it missed as you slept. Turn up to the office with a rumbling tummy and it could affect the quality of your work. To truly maximise your mornings, don’t let ‘I didn’t have time to eat’ be an excuse and pre-make your breakfast the evening before. Try making a fruit salad, bircher muesli or smoothie.

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