Grilled salmon with dill and lemon saffron sauce



    1. Wash and clean the potato, sprinkle with salt and pepper and a little bit of melted butter, wrap in aluminum foil and bake in a hot oven at 1800C for 20 minutes
    2. Take the salmon fillet and trim the sides. Marinate the fish with salt, pepper and lemon juice
    3. Grill the salmon fillet on a ribbed grill; turn it, so both sides are cooked for five to six minutes before placing it aside
    4. For the sauce, take a saucepan and pour in the double cream, add saffron, salt, pepper, lemon juice and butter and bring to boil. Add dill leaves and keep it aside
    5. Clean and peel the carrot and cut it into wedges. Clean the cauliflower and broccoli and cut into florets
    6. Boil the carrot, cauliflower and broccoli and immediately afterwards sauté the vegetables with salt, pepper and butter
    7. To serve, arrange the grilled salmon on a large plate. Arrange the vegetables on the side of the plate and keep the baked potato on the side
    8. Pour the saffron sauce on the side of grilled salmon or serve in small sauce dish separately
    9. Garnish with fresh dill leaves and serve dish with sour cream and chives.

      This recipe serves one and comes from Chef Suresh Babu at Abu Dhabi City Golf Club