Back to school

A reboot of the late-80s TV show of the same name, this is one of the funniest and most outrageous comedies we’ve seen since The Hangover


Abandoning all pretense of seriousness, this movie is essentially about the unlikely friendship of a hapless nerd and a brainless jock (Hill and Tatum), who join the police force and become partners.

The two fledgling cops are assigned to the Jump Street division where they are sent back to high school as undercover agents tasked with finding the supplier of a designer drug being sold by one of the students (Franco).

Fortunately the only thing this movie shares with the TV show is the name and basic premise – everything else is unexpectedly original and laugh-out-loud funny.

Particular kudos must go the excellent cast – the lead duo has real chemistry and this could be the film that announces the somewhat surprising arrival of a serious comic talent in the shape of Channing Tatum.

If you’re a fan of the original 21 Jump Street, prepare to have your memories desecrated. Everyone else, strap yourself in for some dumb explosive fun.