When In Rome

When In Rome – Dir. Mark Steven Johnson, starring Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel, Will Arnett

infocus02Beth (Bell) is a hapless young romantic who is completely unlucky in love. On a break from her hectic New York life, she travels to Rome where she dips her hand into a fountain of love and takes some of the coins there. Suddenly Beth finds herself pursued by eager young men hoping to win her heart. To make matters more confusing, while numerous suitors attempt to gain her affection, Beth has also caught the interest of a man who seems to display a real affection for her. Beth is in an enviable position – but can she find true love amid cupid’s magic?

With nowhere near enough comedic gags to save this sickly tale, the only saving grace in this chick-flick gone awry are a number of likable faces in the cast. But good looks can’t save a film that seems to have little or no plot. This film isn’t unlucky in love – just in actors, directorial skills and story.