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Top 10 fridge foods


Fad diets don’t work. Fact. There’s no secret to maintaining a healthy diet – it’s all about balance. So make sure these foods are always in your fridge and your new year’s resolution to eat healthier will be in the bag

1 Spinach

Spinach is a source of potassium, an essential mineral needed for growth and maintaining a healthy heart. It’s also packed with chlorophyll and carotenoids – organic pigments that decrease the risk of disease. It promotes healthy hair, teeth and bones, too, making it an all-round superfood.

2 Lemons

Lemons aid digestion and weightloss and ward off pesky colds. A study by the American Chemical Society also claims the fruit has anti-cancerous properties, as their citrus limonoid content protect cells from damage and keep cancer cells at bay.

3 Ginger

Ginger improves and maintains circulation as its minerals – chromium and zinc – assist blood flow. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce pain, prevent illness and soothe nausea.


4 Avocados

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which reduce cholesterol, keeping the heart healthy. Your body burns avocado slowly, which leaves you feeling fuller for longer, supressing your appetite. You’ll notice the benefits in your skin and hair too, thanks to its high vitamin E content – which hydrates the skin and minimises wrinkles.

5 Eggs

Eggs are rich in nutrients and contain the nine essential amino acids needed for a healthy diet, making them an excellent source of protein. The ‘good’ fats in eggs help the body repair itself and grow while their two key antioxidants – lutein and zeaxanthin –protect the eyes against common age-degenerative disorders.

6 Blueberries

Along with cranberries and blackberries, blueberries contain the most antioxidants of all fresh fruit as they’re packed with vitamins C, E and A, zinc and iron. These help strengthen immunity and keep you fit. They also help beat hunger pangs.


7 Salmon

A naturally oily fish, salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids. These are essential for growth, help keep joints supple and reduce the risk of heart disease.  It’s these fatty acids – eicosapentanoic and docosahexanoic – that make salmon a ‘brain food,’ as they are central to healthy brain function.

This is supported by a study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia, which found omega 3 oils stimulate certain proteins that prevent cognitive deterioration.

8 Sweet potatoes

High in fibre and vitamin B6, sweet potatoes promote digestion and work to metabolise fats. They also provide 400 per cent of your recommended daily vitamin A intake – compared to the one per cent in white potatoes. This promotes cell growth, improves vision and boosts the immune system.

9 Peanut butter

Peanut butter is rich in the antioxidants vitamin E and magnesium, which are needed for healthy skin, teeth and bones. Research from the Journal of the American Medical Association also suggests peanuts may reduce the risk of diabetes. Peanut butter is high in fat but also packed with fibre and protein – keeping you fuller for longer.


10 Chocolate

The odd square of cocoa-rich dark chocolate releases endorphins, easing stress and pain. High in flavonoids and heart-helping antioxidants, it also works to lower cholesterol and decrease your chances of a heart attack
or stroke.


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