Ramdan Kareem from AbuDhabiWeek.ae

C Class Europcar

Friday, 21 September 2012

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Platefuls of sunshine

There’s a new chef in town at Pearls & Caviar and at just 27 years old, Chef Cyril Calmet is definitely one to watch …




With a modern take on Mediterranean food, Chef Cyril Calmet’s style blends seamlessly with the sophisticated chic atmosphere we’ve come to expect from the achingly hip Pearls & Caviar. Abu Dhabi Week headed in to Abu Dhabi’s unofficial headquarters of cool to ask Chef Cyril about his inspiration, how he’s enjoying Abu Dhabi so far, and what a typical day is like for him.

When did you start cooking?

My parents inspired me to start this job. When I was a kid, I was going to the market at least three times a week to buy fresh produce such as sea bass, veal, lamb, tomato, cheese, fresh fruit and olives. It was amazing and I was so lucky to see my mum cook every day for us. I was always helping her – eating all day long, trying new things and I started to love being in the kitchen. My mum is an amazing cook. I think the most important thing was seeing how much she loved to do it.

I was also going fishing every weekend with my dad, and we often went to the mountains to pick fresh mushrooms.

It was a natural decision to become a chef. I started at the cooking school when I was 14 years old. I spent four beautiful years there, where I met wonderful people who guided me and helped me to grow. This is one of the great things about growing up in France, you are able to learn a job very young.

Which cuisines do you take the most inspiration from?

The cuisine of love. I believe that ingredients don’t have to be expensive things - if you cook with love and passion the food will be good. I try to bring the sun to my plates which is why the other cuisine that inspires me is Mediterranean.

I was trained by Michelin-starred chefs who work in the south of France, and they taught me their ideas and passions about this type of food. Dishes made with fresh seafood caught a few hours earlier, fresh tomato, lemon, olives, piment d’espelette, olive oil, herbs from the garden…

What is your signature style?

My signature style is modern Mediterranean food. This is why, on the new spring menu, you will find the seafood cappuccino, and a modern tiramisu - designed by our executive pastry chef Jejen and myself. Of course the food has to look good, but the most important thing is the flavour. I am not looking for diners to ask “how did the chef do it?” instead I am hoping for “it’s really good, I want more…”

What is your favourite thing about Abu Dhabi so far?

Meeting people from around the world with all their different cultures and stories about their lives. Every day I am learning new things about food and produce. This is the reason that I like to travel around the world.

Abu Dhabi is a beautiful city too. I heard that summer is very hot, but so far I love the weather.

6.30am: I wake up and check my emails to see that my friends and family at home are doing well. After that I go to the gym or run. It’s my hobby. I ran the Chicago half marathon last year and a few others too.

8am: I always stop in to get a latte.

9am: I arrive at work. I always check my produce to make sure that the quality is what I expected. I like to be the first one in the kitchen.

10am: My team arrives. We have a meeting about the organisation of our day, special events, VIP Guests – that sort of thing. We will be cooking for the entire day.

2.30pm: I have a chef’s meeting.

6pm: We take a break, and are back in the kitchen at 6.45pm ready for service to begin. I check all the different stations to make sure everything is perfect before service begins.

7pm: The service starts, so we’re extremely busy in the kitchen, continuing until late into the evening.

11pm: We have a team meeting and we discuss that night’s service to see what we could do better, and what we can improve for service the next day.

11.30pm: I order for the next few days, deal with paper work and check my email again to keep in touch with home.

12.30am: I head home and relax, spend time with my dog Pitof and watch movies until about 2am.

Sarah Widdup

What others are saying (2)Add Comment
written by Rizzo , Thursday, 28 June 2012
Je confirme les dire du chef Calmet Cyril,ou son premier repas qu il a fais pour son frère,sa mère était à l âge de 8ans ,se soir la il avait dresser une table avec des verres à pieds,une jolie nape ,il avait mis une serviette blanche autour de son bras,tener un petit bloc note ou il avait marquer son repas ,puis pour les boisons il a écrit eau plate ,ou eau du robinet .je m en souvient toujours est il nous arrive de le relever tout les deux quand le fils est la mère son réuni en cuisine.il est un passionné de son travail!!!!
written by kais aljalili, Friday, 30 March 2012
this is kais aljalili iraqi live in usa chicago i worked before with chef cyril in chicago hes amazing great awesome chef and persone i like jim so much and you guys lucky to have him in UAE and hes lucky being there too looool im so happy to read about him i miss him so much
chef i wish you all the best
yours kais

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